People > Dr. George Cooper

Dr. George Cooper

Chief Investment Officer

Dr. George Cooper is the Chief Investment Officer and Founder of Equitile Investments, bringing over 30 years of experience in asset management, global strategy, and investment research.

Before founding Equitile, George held senior roles at JP Morgan Investment Management, Goldman Sachs Asset Management, BlueCrest Capital Management, and Deutsche Bank. As Global Fixed Income Strategist at Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan, he gained a reputation for original and incisive macroeconomic analysis.

His 2005 paper, The Burden of Sisyphus, introduced a Darwinian perspective on investment markets, an approach that continues to influence his thinking today. He rose to prominence during the 2008-09 financial crisis as the author of The Origin of Financial Crises, which provided a critical analysis of monetary policy’s role in economic instability. His insights earned him recognition as a world-leading economist and an interview in the award-winning documentary The Flaw, which explored the toxic forces that nearly brought down the global financial system.

George has written extensively on economic and financial theory, challenging conventional wisdom in his books Money, Blood and Revolution and Fixing Economics. His work links evolutionary theory with economic and financial principles, advocating for a more resilient and productive approach to investing.

It was from these ideas that George, alongside Andrew, Daniel, Thor, and Nigel, founded Equitile Investments - to manage their own capital and establish a new, principled way of investing in productive assets. George holds both a BSc and PhD in Physics and Engineering from Durham University. As Chief Investment Officer, he continues to lead Equitile’s investment philosophy, applying his deep understanding of macroeconomics, market dynamics, and evolutionary theory to create a more sustainable and growth-focused investment model.

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